Ronald D. Stephens さんのページ

  (2003年.2月)    全米学校安全センターとの交流を期待

  アメリカ(U.S.A.)の全米学校安全センター所長である ロナルド・D・スティーブンズ博士から次のような
 寄稿が寄せられたので紹介しておこう。 なお Ronald D. Stephens, 博士はPepperdine大学教授でもある。

The Art of Safe School Planning......... 安全な学校づくりの方策
                            by Ronald D. Stephens, NSSC Executive Director

    There are two types of school administrators: those who have faced a crisis and those who are
    about to.In an ideal world, one would like to prevent all school crime and ensure the safety of each
    staff member and student. The reality is so many things are outside the control of the school administrator
    that such a task is virtually impossible. To attempt to predict the potentially disruptive behavior of a
    student, a staff member or the intruder who comes on campus is unrealistic. However, armed with the
   knowledge that this could happen, the astute adminstrator can do several things to prepare for a crisis,
   avoid a crisis,and preclude successive crises.

   No greater challenge exists today than creating safe schools. Restoring our schools to tranquil and safe
   places of learning requires a major strategic commitment. It involves placing school safety at the top of the
   educational agenda. Without safe schools, teachers cannot teach and students cannot learn.

   Developing and implementing districtwide and site-specific safe school plans are critical parts of this
   process. One out of 12 youngsters who stays away from school does so because of fear. This sad fact is
   a national tragedy.

   School adminstrators have a host of strategies that can make a difference. The difficulty often is in effectively
   analyzing the problem and then deciding what can be done about it.

   Safe school planning is all about the "art of the possible." It is not limited to special restraints or set of
   guidelines. Each community has the opportunity to shape the school climate it wishes to create. A safe
   school plan, more than anything else, is a function of community will, priorities and interests. It requires
   partnerships and cooperation. The components and the players are limited only by the creativity, energy,
   and commitment of the local community. Crucial players include students, educators, parents, law
   enforcers, judges, recreation program directors, prosecutors, probation directors, mental health leaders
   and other youth-serving professionals. The key questions they must ask are: "What do we want to
   accomplish?" and "How do we make it happen?"

   A safe school is in place when students can learn and teachers can teach in a welcoming environment,
   free of intimidation and fear. It is a setting where the educational climate fosters a spirit of acceptance
   and care for every child; where behavior expectations are clearly communicated, consistently enforced,
   and fairly applied. Unlimited optios and potential exist for safe school planning. It requires only the ability
   to get started.

   In coming installments of this article, 40 promising strategies will be presented that school communities
   can implement to make their campuses safer. For the most part they costlittle or no money. Several
   strategies actually save money because they discourage crime and foster a positive school climate.
   School leaders can use these concpts as a basis for creating their own safe school plan.

   The success of these strategies will depend on the overriding presence of eight key factors. School
   leaders must:
   1. Establish clear behavior standards.
   2. Provide adequate adult presence and supervision.
   3. Enforce the rules fairly and consistently.
   4. Supervise closely and sanction offenders consistently.
   5. Cultivate parental support.
   6. Control campus access.
   7. Create partnerships with outside agencies.
   8. Believe you can make a difference.

   Safer and more effective schools do not happen automatically. School safety depends on our ability
   and initiative in developing collaborative systemwide strategies that place safeschools at the top of
   the educational agenda. NSSC is committed to serving our nation's schools and youth-serving
   professionals by assisting them with trainig, technical assistance and effective, up-to-date resources.
   NSSC remains dedicated to the support and protection of our children - our nation's most precious
   resource and our future.


   全米学校安全センター所長 ロナルド・D・スティーブンズ

   1. 学校管理職には二つのタイプがあります。 その一つは危機に際して面と向かって

   2. 理想的な世界では、人々は学校犯罪を防止し、どの教職員や生徒にも安全が保障
     のとなってきています。 しかし知識豊富な武装された、すばらしい管理職は、危機

   3. 今や安全な学校づくりほど偉大な挑戦的な仕事は他にありません。
     な公約といえましょう。 それは学校安全問題を教育的協議事項のトップに据える

   4. 12人の生徒のうち 1人が学校を怖がって不登校なっているという悲しみは、今や
    主人公なのです。 しばしば問題を分析し、効果的に実行すべく決心することです。
    安全な学校づくりは、まさしく“ 可能性追求の芸術 ”のようなものですから、特別な

   5. コミュニィテイについていえば、どのコミュニィテイも望ましい学校の雰囲気づくり、
    環境整備に取り組む機会が与えられています。 そのコミュニィテイの意思、優先権、

   6. このセンターでは、学校が実施できる40回分の戦略を提供します。 費用は殆どか

   7. 重点事項
    @ 明確な行動基準をしっかり作ること。
    A 大人が、上手く関与し監督すること。
    B 公平に、しかも持続的にルールを実効あるものにすること。
    C 身近かで監督し、青少年犯罪については、いつも制裁できる体制であること。
    D 親たちの支持を取り付けておくこと。
    E 学校へ接近するものを、きちんとコントロールできるようにしておくこと。
    F 学校以外の諸機関との協力体制を樹立しておくこと。
    G それぞれ、人とは違った、自分でやれることに確信を持つこと。

   8. NSSCは全米的な青少年育成のために、訓練し、技術的に援助し、効果的で最も
    新しい資料をサービスします。 我々の子どもたち、それはわが国の最も貴重な人
   【 註 】 1999. 8月 寄稿 .




     National School Safety Center: NSSCは全米青少年問題研究所といってもよかろう

     4165 Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Suite 29C, Westlake Village California 91362
     805/373-9977   805/373-9277 FAX

   ○ NSSCは1984年5月に開設された。 すなわち、当時のレーガン大統領が連邦治安教育省に対して、
     て設立された機関である。 従って職員は教育関係者のみならず、警察職員、法関係者なども含ま

   ○ 杉田が現職校長の時、1985年の夏休み時に私費でサクラメントに3泊し同センターを訪問して、Stephen

   ○ その後、退職しやや疎遠になっていたが、3年前、杉田のホームページをNSSCが検索したりされたので

   ○ そしてスティブン所長から「NSSCは公立学校における警察職員の役割についてのカリキュラムを強
    た。 それを紹介しながら、わが国の各方面の方々が接触し交流されることを期待している

      Mr. Shoji Sugita,
     It is always a pleasure to hear from you. I hope things are going well. This past year the National School
     Safety Center has been involved in developing a major training curriculum for police officers who will be
     working in the public schools. The United States Government has funded approximately 4,500 such
     positions. NSSC is conducting training program throughout the U.S.
     We are continuing to stay very busy here. We are now looking towards expanding our activities on a
     more international basis. Should this materialize we will want to get some advice from you as to who
     some of the key governmental Japanese contacts would be. Thank you again for your continuing work.
      Ronald D. Stephens
      Executive Director
     また「暴走族といえども怪我をさせまいという“親心”から手加減」されていたふしがある。 外国人から

     であるとの批判も否定できないであろう。 そのさいその対策を彼らから学び、また彼らにも、わが国