23 Questions & Answers with E-mail 2...

U. Concerns to school violence and so forth
1. Advice against school violence
.............................. Junior High Student & his father, Japan ...... May 1998
Q. We are suffering from school violence by some classmates now. Please give me some
advice !
Q-2 From his father ( 39 years old ) My son's class has been suffering from school violence from
a few bad classmates of his.
They have often resorted to force ( to break vessels, to use violence on teachers and students ),
and lessons have sometimes been interupted by them. A teacher and more than ten students
have been injured till now, and the bad situations are not getting any better.
Their parents have not paid enough money to recover broken glasses and doctor's fees, and
the situation of his class is like " Being hard hit by them" now.
They usually insist, " We are under 14 years old, so we shall not be punished on any action."
Yesterday we had PTA meeting to discuss these problems, but we could not find a good way
to recover it, for the School Education Law banns corporal punishment to the students.
Till now, we have tried to do such Movements as " Good manner by greeting each other ",
" Planting flowers in school gardens !". but these movements were like only good slogans
and were not available in fact.
Please give us some good advice.
A. It is a very difficult problem. If it would be true, I wonder why the school staff has left such matters
as they are till now.
And corporal punishment shall be illegal, but to use force to quell a disturbance in the classroom
is of course legal for educators.
And please communicate to some persons; like lawyers, law enforcements, policemen, social
leaders and so forth and consult with them more. Japanese people are somewhat sentimental
people, so you have to consider about it, too.
On the other hand, we should think about the following points:
Any student, even if a bad student, has some good points, too. So, educators should evaluate these
points with forces and affections. Of course it is a very difficult way like " Two principles look like
opposite each other ", and I am afraid of being too late in your school to do so, but if possible
for you even if now, please do it.
( Note )
2. Concerns to teachers
..........................P. student, Japan ....... July 1999
Q. A is a music adviser of our music club in our senior high school. Our club has a chance of a prize in
some music contest, and it is surely the result of her very good lessoning to our club, but we have a
big problem, too. For the hour of her lesson is usually too long to be able to study academic subjects
at our homes.
Our senior high school is famous in Japan, for a lot of students go to famous universities after
graduating our school, so we have to study very hard, too.
P. was a member of our club, and he complained to her about the lesson hour, but at that time she
scolded him severely, and told to other members, " Don't speak to him any more ! ", or " He is a
dirty man." and so forth. How should we treat her ?
A. It is a difficult question for me, too, but you know, there are a lot of personalities in the real society.
So, anyway you have to be at harmony with her, understanding her position as a music counsellor,
and repeatedly tell her about the study hours at your homes. Good luck.
V Concerns to teacher employment
1. Tenured teacher
................... American K. ..... August 1998
Q. 6 years ago I was not given tenure with XXX county. The reason was because of poor performance
the third year ( I believe the principal was unfair and set me up but that's another story ). It has been
6 years and I reapplied with the same XXX county. The principal at our school wants me. She told
me that I would be submitted for recommendation at the next board meeting. My name never came
up at the board meeting. The superintendent and personnel person decided not to submit it due
to my not being given tenure 6 years ago.....
A. I see your disappointment, but I wish you to get good points on the employment exam.
2. To use Sugita's site
....................... M. Japan ....September 1998
Q. I am a teacher of w. University in charge of the course for the teaching profession, and found the
article of legal problems of education on your site on WWWs. It is wonderfull, so I would like to
use your article in my lecture, printing it.
A. OK. ..... (Note) After that, he appreciated me so much..
3. Teaching Licences in Japan
............................. B.W. London, .......June 1999
Q. I am reading your report : "Examination for service of teachers' in Japan" on aba WWW page.
I am researching about Japanese education, particulary music education and the training of
school teaching.... Who issues the teaching licence ? Is it the university or the prefectural board
of education ?
If a teacher wishes to change jobs and go to a school in anothe prefecture, do they have to take
another exam by the new prefectural board of education ?
A. Each prefectural board of education has the priviledge of giving the teaching licences in Japan.
( not, university )
And whenever a teacher who gets the teaching licence wishes to go to another prefecture, he/
she has to take another exam by the new prefectural board of education.
4. Over-staff issues on public officers in Japan
................................................Japanese A.Y. .......... June 1999
Q. Now in Japan over-staff problems are a big problem connected with Re-construction of
companies, but is it the same problem on the public officers ?
A. I am a retired teacher, and don't have so many ideas on it, but in the public school system
they can foresee the planning of enrollment of students and teachers in the future, so there
would be a little less problems. But in some private academies these over-staff problems are
becoming big ones now, I heard.
Even if on the system of public officers, this topic will be hard in Japan in the future.
W Concerns to educational problems & some others
1. Juvenile delinquency in Japan
........................ Japanese A. in London ....... November 1998
Q. I am Japanese girl and I'm studying English in England. I have to do a project in my school.
My teacher found your home page. And I'd like to know about school problem especially junior
and high school. Childre's crime...... .
A. Look at the outline, under-described.
( Note) Juvenile delinquency-----Report by the Police Agency ( 1996 )
〇 Juvenile criminal - - - - - 2 % increase, compared with 1995
〇Drug-using- - - -High increase of high school students, about 2.3 times, compared with 1995 And
consciousnesss of sin against drugs is becoming weak among young people, and they think it
is a kind of fashion. There are such affirmative opinions as, " Feel comfortable ", " Diet ", " Awoken
from my sleep " and " My freedom ."
〇Burglary, Treat - - - - - - High increase of high school students
2. To original owner of Order Decoration Medals
.............................. American D.S. ........... May 1998
Q. My wife's father died in 1957 and she has just received items of his effects. Included in these items
were medals. The medals were the " Order of the Rising Sun " and the " Order of the Sacred Treasure ".
His father was a member of General Douglas McArthur's staff in Japan in 1947-1949 and we are
interested in determing if the medals were awarded to him or if we can obtain in a list of persons
(foreign) that were awarded these medals during this time in Japan's history...... .
A. I think there are the List of being awarded Order Decoration Medals to Japanese and Foreigners.
Ask to the Bureau of Decoration of Japanese Government.
3. Quebec Independence
.......................J.G. in Montreal ....... June 1998
Q. My name is J.G. and work for The S. Newspaper in Montrea. I printed out your theory on Quebec
independence and would be interested to know your professional background. If possibel, please
e-mail me at.... I am considering writing an article on your views.
A. Thank you so much.
( Note) Recently some trade companies moved their headquarters to Toronto from Montreal, and also
they moved them to Ontario from Quebec, because they didn't want to remain in a French-speaking
society in English-speaking Canada.
As you know, French is the official language in Quebec government and the trial courts.
If such a act as the Draft Bill on Quebec sovereignty comes into force in the future, this movement
may speed up more around the new country. So, Quebec citizens have to work together better on
how to solve such a problem and how to develop their own country. If not, their decisions may change
from satisfaction to despair.
4. Canada's Constitution & Quebec
..............................Japanese K.H. in Geneva ...... July 1998
Q. I read about your page of "Quebec". It is very helpful for me. I am now at Geneva, studying Canada's
Constitution changing and South Africa's constitution change. I am a Japanese and I want to search
a Japanese documents ( including English ) about the subjects. If you know something about
it , please tell me that the Japanese homepage's address or send me by attachments.
A. I told her something about it.
5. What is " land of the rising sun" ?
................................ Canadian J.G. ..... July 1999
Q. This camp up in a conversation today and nobody had an answer. The expression " land of the
rising sun " is often used in reference to Japan. Do you know where the expression comes from,
and the history surrounding it ?
A. The historical fact is like the following:
In 607, Shotoku-Taishi ( the Prince Regent of the Emperess Suiko ) sent a official message to
the Emperor of China ( Zui ) and wrote " The Emperor of land of the rising sun will send this message
to the Emperor of land of the setting sun. How are you ? But I think all is going so wel with you." in it.
6. Others- Educational topics in Detroit
............................. American L.L. ........ March 1999
Q. The Governor of Michigan is trying to take over the Detroit Schools and give control to the Mayor of
Detroit. It is all quite troubling and is causing much argument in the State and City.... Use the Internet
to get the Detroit News or Detroit Free Press for the last month.
A. I read the topics on Detroit News. Good luck, please.
     ...Written in August 1999, .......... Access counts ( 1999. 8. 19 現在 ) 49.597